
My Interview with Robert Spencer World Leading Expert in Islam

Help me get to Israel: https://www.gofundme.com/w96gk-help-me-get-to-israel El Dia Opina: In this video we delve into specific questions regarding Islam with, one of the world’s leading experts. The great Robert Spencer. Here we discuss the existence or lack thereof regarding the Islamic Prophet. Who killed the Prophet? & why Islam is “respected” today. Subscribe to me […]


What Is Jihad? (Robert Spencer)

What is jihad? “Jihad” is an Arabic word meaning “struggle,” and thus may be applied to a variety of forms of physical, emotional, or spiritual exertion. In its religious context, however, the most relevant form of jihad is devoted to violently subjugating non-Muslims. Robert Spencer discusses the issue. For more on jihad, be sure to […]


Robert Spencer on Why ISIS is Islamic

The Islamic State: Is It Islamic? And Why It Matters Robert Spencer, author of 13 books on Islam and Director of Jihad Watch spoke to a local gathering of ACT! for America, to give his thoughts on Why ISIS is Islamic. Al Qaeda has been replaced with the “JV” team, ISIS, as the world’s leading terrorist organization. […]


Islam Exposed a.k.a. “The Basics of islam” by Robert Spencer 13 talking points

1) Islamophobia 2) Is islam a religion of Peace ? 3) Wasn’t muhammad Peaceful ? 4) Violent verses in the Quran 5) Peaceful verses in the Quran 6) Is ISIS islamic ? 7) How could ISIS represent 1.5 billion muslims ? 8) The meaning of the word Jihad 9) Status of Jews and Christians under […]


Robert Spencer Brilliantly Explains Moderate Islam

Robert Spencer gives his take on moderate Islam. ✔️ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/freedomspeaksusa/ ✔️Like, Share, and Subscribe for more content that is Pro Liberty, Pro Freedom, and Pro America. Intro Music: http://www.orangefreesounds.com/precious-dubmix-soundtrack/ source


52: Confessions of An Islamophobe—Robert Spencer

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