
Six Steps to Passover Part 1: Jesus Our Passover

The Bible reveals Jesus as Creator, Prophet, Priest, and King. It is said there are over 200 ways He is made known to us in Scripture. The first Bible study in our series will focus on Christ as the Lamb of God slain for the sins of the whole world and the deep meaning for […]


Six Steps to Passover – Part 4: The Bread and The Wine

This is the fourth part in the Bible study series: Six Steps to Passover. In the Old Testament the Israelites were commanded to eat a lamb as part of their Passover observance. Jesus made a dramatic change in how His followers were to keep this important ceremony. In the fourth study in this series, we’ll […]


Six Steps to Passover – Part 5: The Suffering Servant Footwashing

This is the fifth part in the Bible study series: Six Steps to Passover. An important aspect of observing the New Testament Passover is washing each other’s feet. Jesus said “I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you.” Introducing footwashing into Passover observance was something new. Why […]


Six Steps to Passover – Part 6: The Resurrection – Christ In You

This is the sixth part in the Bible study series: Six Steps to Passover. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is central to the faith and life of a Christian. Paul tells us “if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is futile and your faith is empty…And if Christ has not been raised, your […]


Let Us Keep the Feasts: What Is Sin?

This is the fourth part in the Bible study series: Let Us Keep the Feasts . We’ve all heard of sin. It’s a very religious sounding word. What do the Day of Unleavened Bread teach us about sin and its dangerously pervasive consequences in our lives? Join Gary Petty as he explores “What is Sin?” […]


Let Us Keep the Feasts: Why Should We Leave Sin?

This is the fifth part in the Bible study series: Let Us Keep the Feasts. Why is Egypt a type of sin? God was determined to deliver Israel from the shackles of Egyptian slavery and plant them in a land of promise. Why was this event so important to Israel’s history? The tyranny of Egyptian […]