Support our work on Patreon: While it’s still common for Muslims to insist that no one leaves Islam, reality tells a completely different story. Muslims are leaving Islam in droves. In this video, David Wood goes through ten brief testimonies of former Muslims. For previous installments of “Leaving Islam,” click on one of these videos: […]
Tag: muslims converted to christianity
Yemeni-American Ex-Muslim convert to Christianity: My best friend sent me death threats
Gabriel Saleh shares his powerful testimony source
Muslims DON’T Understand True Christianity
I am a former Muslim. My intention in making this video is not to insult or offend Muslims personally as my entire family is Muslim and I love them. I made this video to explain what it means to be a true Christian for those who misunderstand true Christianity. And if I speak on the […]
Is Mohamed in the Bible? John 15:26
I investigate whether John 15:26 is a reference to the coming of Mohamed. Some images were taken from: source
EX Muslim Gives Powerful Warning to America and Europe about Islam
EX Muslim Gives Powerful Warning to America and Europe about Islam. A pretty powerful message from a woman who does clearly not want America and Europe to turn into Islamic countries where everyone is fleeing from. Visit her channel here source
Didn’t the Prophet of Islam KNOW eating Camel is HARAM??
Please watch full video here: We decided to make a quick excerpt video with some extra points to further press the point of the hypocrisy of many Muslims who “strain out a gnat but swallow a whole pig” through their words and actions. Also wanted to touch on another one of their hypocrisies in regards […]
American Muslim Doctor converts to Christianity
A beautiful testimony – praise the Lord source
Road Trip Q&A 1: What Argument Bothered Nabeel Most When He Was a Muslim?
Support my video projects on Patreon: Here’s a link to the video I mentioned (for mobile users): In this video, Nabeel answers Daniel’s question: “Nabeel, what was the strongest argument against Islam you’ve heard during the time you were a Muslim?” source
Canadian Muslim Converted to Christianity after Watching Debate Between Shabir Ally & Sam Shamoun
Canadian Muslim Converted to Christianity after Watching Debate Between Shabir Ally & Sam Shamoun Christian, Muslim, Converted, Christianity, converts, Islam, conversion, source
Leaving Islam: Volume Two (David Wood)
Someone sent me a request for another installment of “Leaving Islam.” In “Volume Two,” we read the short testimonies of ten former Muslims. For more on Islam, Muhammad, and the Qur’an, watch these videos by David Wood: “Who Killed Muhammad?”: “The Sheepgate Conspiracy”: “A Brief History of the Qur’an”: “Inside the Kaaba”: source