Muslim Woman Converted to Christianity & tells her amazing story why she became Christian used with permission. Een Moslim vrouw bekeerde tot het Christendom en verteld haar geweldige verhaal waarom ze Christen werd. tags muslim convert converts reverts conversion islam shahada quran bible jesus Convert australian aussie woman accepts Christ dawah christian bekeren bekering moslim […]
Tag: Jesus
Arab Muslim couple who at first hated Christianity become Christians
The love of Jesus Christ will transform your whole life. Testimony from Islam to Christianity source
Muslim Convert to Christianity on the concept of Trinity
Muslim Convert to Christianity on the concept of Trinity This is another video for Muslims like Zakir Naik, Abdur raheem green, yusuf estes, shabir ally, ahmed deedat, brother Br Imran, adnan rachid, iera, as well as all the muslim converts to islam, and in support of pastor joseph, sam shamoun, david wood, dr james white, […]
My Testimony about Jesus Christ – (Why I Left Islam)
Update Video: source
Who is the Spirit of Truth
Welcome to Light of Christ Ministries, This video is addressing the claims of a Muslim scholars Ahmed Deedat on who the Spirit of Truth is and the Anti Christ. I hope you like the video. If you do wish to have prayer please Subscribe and email your request and you can be added to the […]
Jesus Transfigured on the Mount Bible about Jesus Christ
Jesus Transfigured on the Mount The New TеѕtаmеntThе Gospel оf Mаtthеw Chарtеr 17Jеѕuѕ Transfigured оn the Mоunt17:1 Nоw аftеr six days Jеѕuѕ took Pеtеr, James, аnd John hіѕ brоthеr, lеd them uр оn a hіgh mоuntаіn bу thеmѕеlvеѕ; 17:2 and Hе was transfigured before thеm. Hіѕ fасе ѕhоnе like the ѕun, and Hіѕ clothes bесаmе […]
Shocking Teachings of Jesus – bible teaching
Shocking Teachings of Jesus Shocking Teachings of Jesus, Stеvе Myers Whаt wоuld you ѕау іѕ thе сеntrаl mеѕѕаgе Jеѕuѕ tаught? Have уоu ever consideredthat fundаmеntаl thеmе? Dіd Christ fосuѕ His teaching on a ѕресіfіс ѕubjесt?Yоu might bе ѕhосkеd tо fіnd thаt His gоѕреl mеѕѕаgе wаѕn’t juѕt “tаkе Mе into уоurhеаrt and bе ѕаvеd. ” It’ѕ […]
Instrumental Worship Soaking in His Presence // 1 Hour with Powerful Scriptures
Produced by William Augusto All I do is for The Glory of Jesus Christ!! Watch our testimony: Feel free to download the songs if you want. You want to share a testimony?! Please send it to we love to know what God is doing!!! Social Media Facebook: Instagram: Feel Free to Contact: Donate […]
Is Mohammad mentioned in the bible?
Welcome to Light of Christ Ministries, Today’s video is regarding Ahmed Deedat a Scholar of Islam, he claims that Mohammed is mentioned in the book of Song of Solomon I give you a few examples to clear up the confusion and display the truth of the chapter. May the truth and peace of God set […]
Valentine – Hillsong Worship
‘Valentine’ from our new album, “There Is More”. Order the album: Subscribe to our YouTube channel: VERSE 1: From Your sacrifice for the sake of all Redemption’s birth and relentless hope As the weight of grace crushed the face of love AndYou bled and died for Your enemies VERSE 2: To woo us back from […]