Note : English subtitles(translation) uploaded , If not appear, Pls go to settings and switch on “Annotations” Malayali(Indian) Ex Muslim scholar teach muslims about Son of God & Trinity(With English subtitles) Request to educated Muslims only : Please write down your comments here in this page. source
Tag: jesus christ
Arab Muslim couple who at first hated Christianity become Christians
The love of Jesus Christ will transform your whole life. Testimony from Islam to Christianity source
My Testimony about Jesus Christ – (Why I Left Islam)
Update Video: source
EX MUSLIM speaks about Coverting to Christianity with David Lynn – EX MUSLIM converted to Christianity after hearing Pastor David Lynn preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ for 2 years. Pastor David Lynn and Ex Muslim became friends and share the passion and Mission to share Jesus Christ. source
Who is the Spirit of Truth
Welcome to Light of Christ Ministries, This video is addressing the claims of a Muslim scholars Ahmed Deedat on who the Spirit of Truth is and the Anti Christ. I hope you like the video. If you do wish to have prayer please Subscribe and email your request and you can be added to the […]
Is Mohammad mentioned in the bible?
Welcome to Light of Christ Ministries, Today’s video is regarding Ahmed Deedat a Scholar of Islam, he claims that Mohammed is mentioned in the book of Song of Solomon I give you a few examples to clear up the confusion and display the truth of the chapter. May the truth and peace of God set […]
Ex Muslim woman is saved by Jesus Christ
Jesus saves a Muslim Turkish girl source