This is the third part in the Bible study series: End-Time Prophecy 101. The Bible shows us Babylon was a city, an empire and the personification of all that opposes the plan and purpose of God. The Book of Revelation shows an end time global manifestation of this age long system. It will be Satan’s […]
Tag: jesus christ
End-Time Prophecy 101: The Two Witnesses
This is the fourth part in the Bible study series: End-Time Prophecy 101 . The world will soon be turned upside down. Fire, beasts, war, earthquakes and plagues are prophesied to come. The book of Revelation says at the heart of these events are two witnesses. What can we know about these two? What is […]
Let Us Keep the Feasts: Celebrate the Feasts
This is the first part in the Bible study series: Let Us Keep the Feasts. Should we observe the Biblical Festivals? In this study we’ll examine the Biblical teaching of Christ and the disciples. Our discussion will also pose the question: Are these days necessary for Christians today? Join Steve Myers as he digs in […]
I Left & Rejected Islam & Muhammad Because of One Verse in the Quran – Testimony
Hello, and Asalamu Alaykum. I’ve been a Muslim for 16 years but in the past few years, I’ve been bothered my some serious reoccurring issues that have repeatedly forced me to question my Islamic faith, and recently I have decided to finally leave Islam. In this video I will explain one reason why I left […]
Let Us Keep the Feasts: What Is Sin?
This is the fourth part in the Bible study series: Let Us Keep the Feasts . We’ve all heard of sin. It’s a very religious sounding word. What do the Day of Unleavened Bread teach us about sin and its dangerously pervasive consequences in our lives? Join Gary Petty as he explores “What is Sin?” […]
Muslim Imam , saw Jesus Cross @ Mecca , Saudi…Rare Testimony(subtitles@CC)
Arab sunni muslim dream cross @ Mecca & turn to Lord Jesus…Testimony Video courtesy & all credits : Amen TV , YouTube channel. Afgani Sunni muslim..Warris Khan dream Jesus Cross @ Mecca, became a follower of Lord Jesus. source
Radical Arab Muslim filled with Holy Spirit & met Jesus…Beautiful Testimony (SHARE)
US sunni Muslim Hussain turned to Jesus …Testimony (SHARE to all) Encourage you somebody , Arabic speaking Christians to write Arabic subtitles es for this video….Please respond this beautiful Gospel work… source
Nina Follows Christ – Muslims seem allergic to Christianity
Nina Follows Christ: It is with a heavy heart that I must announce the end of Nina Follows Christ Youtube Channel and every associated social network page. Anyone who have followed my story knows that I’ve been through a lot lately (physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually) and am still recovering. I have decided that it […]
Nina Follows Christ – Special encounter with a blind man
Nina Follows Christ: It is with a heavy heart that I must announce the end of Nina Follows Christ Youtube Channel and every associated social network page. Anyone who have followed my story knows that I’ve been through a lot lately (physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually) and am still recovering. I have decided that it […]
Let Us Keep the Feasts: God’s Day of Reckoning
This is the ninth part in the Beyond Today Bible study series: Let Us Keep the Feasts. God certainly love everyone, but there is coming a time of terrible tribulation. Can that paradox be reconciled? The love of God and the wrath of God are both aspects of His nature revealed in the Feast of […]