Support my video projects on Patreon: Here’s a link to the video I mentioned (for mobile users): In this video, Nabeel answers Daniel’s question: “Nabeel, what was the strongest argument against Islam you’ve heard during the time you were a Muslim?” source
Canadian Muslim Converted to Christianity after Watching Debate Between Shabir Ally & Sam Shamoun
Canadian Muslim Converted to Christianity after Watching Debate Between Shabir Ally & Sam Shamoun Christian, Muslim, Converted, Christianity, converts, Islam, conversion, source
Leaving Islam: Volume Two (David Wood)
Someone sent me a request for another installment of “Leaving Islam.” In “Volume Two,” we read the short testimonies of ten former Muslims. For more on Islam, Muhammad, and the Qur’an, watch these videos by David Wood: “Who Killed Muhammad?”: “The Sheepgate Conspiracy”: “A Brief History of the Qur’an”: “Inside the Kaaba”: source
Leaving Islam: Volume One (David Wood)
This morning, someone asked me to make a video sharing messages about Muslims leaving Islam. Here’s the first installment. For more on Islam, Muhammad, and the Qur’an, watch these videos by David Wood: “Who Killed Muhammad?”: “The Sheepgate Conspiracy”: “A Brief History of the Qur’an”: “Inside the Kaaba”: source
muslim man converts to Christianity
A radical muslim turns to Jesus after he hears the Gospel, he questioned islam and allah, the life of mohammad and he was disappointed with islam, he open his heart to Jesus of the Bible and was touched by the Lord and became a preacher of the Gospel.God is reaching out to Muslims with the […]
Mohammad from Lebanon shares his journey to Christ
A powerful testimony source
Letter To A Muslim Brother – 75 – Islam’s Fictional Tale
Let’s examine the Islamic Story regarding the Crucifixion. Deedat calls it the Cruci-FICTION, but one must wonder if he was referring to ISLAM’S VERSION callig it taht. source
Two Muslims Converted to Christianity and Left Islam (Testimony)
Two Muslims Converted to Christianity and Left Islam (Testimony) ABN needs your support to continue bringing these programs, Please consider giving them some support at Muslim converted to Christianity, Muslim convert to Christianity, Muslim converted, Muslim, converts, converted, Islam, Christian, Christianity, testimony, new 2014 2015 muslim becomes christian, became, converstion, story, journey to […]
Mecca | The Worlds most dangerous destination
Mecca Hajj stampede, Hajj incidents and historic disasters in Mecca UPDATE : Mecca hajj 2015 stampede over 2411 people so far confirmed dead source