
The Power to Change – Part 1: The Work of the Holy Spirit

This is the first part in the Bible study series: Power to Change. This study will give an overview of what God does in our lives through His Holy Spirit. Watch the series: http://www.ucg.org/beyond-today/power-to-change FREE Bible Study Aids: The Power of the Holy Spirit http://www.ucg.org/booklet/power-holy-spirit Transforming Your Life: The Process of Conversion http://www.ucg.org/booklet/transforming-your-life-process-conversion Tools for […]


The Power to Change – Part 2: Inside Out

This is the second part in the Bible study series: Power to Change. Making any change in our lives is challenging and difficult. How can it be done? It starts in the heart when we allow God to create within us a clean heart. This Bible study will explain the process of “inside out”, living […]


The Power to Change – Part 3: The Spirit of Love

This is the third part in the Bible study series: Power to Change. Jesus Christ gave a new commandment to us. How can we allow God’s Spirit to work in us so that we can fulfill that command to love? In this study we’ll examine 2 Timothy 1:7 and the Apostle Paul’s reference to God’s […]

╫ Muslim sees and hears Jesus!!! WOW!

╫ Muslim sees and hears Jesus!!! WOW!

Muslim encounters Jesus while praying to allah. THE BOOK SAM REFERRED TO: on: on: on: ╫ JOIN US: www.riseonfire.com – Speaker: Sam Khan MUSIC CREDIT All music rights reserved (c) to the respective owners. We do not own the rights to the songs used. Permission has been obtained from Mattie Montgomery and Citipointe Live for […]


Let Us Keep the Feasts: The Holy Spirit in Us

This is the eighth part in the Bible study series: “Let Us Keep the Feasts”. We all need help. Aren’t we all in need of spiritual help and direction in our life. Even more than a little help, we need power – spiritual power from our Creator God. How does God’s spirit work powerfully in […]

muslim man converts to Christianity

muslim man converts to Christianity

A radical muslim turns to Jesus after he hears the Gospel, he questioned islam and allah, the life of mohammad and he was disappointed with islam, he open his heart to Jesus of the Bible and was touched by the Lord and became a preacher of the Gospel.God is reaching out to Muslims with the […]