Jesus Christ is God manifested in the flesh – Jesus says “You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am”, (John 13:13). “Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father [God]” (John 14:9). “I and the Father [God] are one” (John 10:30). Jesus is far more than God’s […]
Tag: GOD
Allah the crescent moon god is Lucifer the morning star beast and mother of harlots
This video was made possible by Rev Michelle Hopkins Mann – Muslims are following a false prophet who is Literally a child Molester, a prophet pretender, a womanizer, an adulterer, a thief and a killer. This is who All Muslims put their Eternal faith & trust in. Islam is a religion in which Allah […]
Never Underestimate My Jesus by Reliant K
There is always hope if we turn to Jesus. So if you ever tell us that there is no hope I will tell you that you are wrong because there is Jesus. There is always hope when we turn to Jesus. source
Allah is the god of Muhammad and Cannot be the God of the Bible – Here is the Proof – Usama Dakdok
Jesus Christ is God manifested in the flesh – Jesus says “You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am”, (John 13:13). ‘Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father [God]” (John 14:9). “I and the Father [God] are one” (John 10:30). Jesus is far more than God’s […]
Praise You In This Storm w/ Lyrics!!
Amazing song added with lyrics. source
You are My All in All
Worship Video Artist – Nicole Nordeman source
Bible Stories | The Lord Jesus Resurrecting Lazarus Manifests the Authority of the Incarnated God
Bible Stories | The Lord Jesus Resurrecting Lazarus Manifests the Authority of the Incarnated God “When the Lord Jesus brought Lazarus back from the dead, He used one line: “Lazarus, come forth.” He said nothing aside from this—what do these words represent? They represent that God can accomplish anything through speaking, including resurrecting a dead […]
Christian Worship Song | God Is Good | The Purpose Behind God’s Arrangement for Man
Christian Worship Song | God Is Good | The Purpose Behind God’s Arrangement for Man I If you believe in God’s rule, you must know that all things don’t happen just by chance. God arranges everything. What does God do it for? What is His final aim? It is not to lay you bare, but […]