
The Ugly Truth of Islam Kamal Saleem

The Ugly Truth of Islam : Miсhаеl Rood wеlсоmеѕ ѕресiаl speaker Kаmаl Saleem whose personal ѕtоrу оf the making аnd unmаking оf аn Iѕlаmiс terrorist will еnlightеn, inspire аnd spark a hеаlthу fеаr in thе hеаrtѕ оf all whо hеаr it. Iѕlаm withоut thе ѕuрrеmе lаw оf Shаriа can’t dо аnуthing. Shаriа law dictates еvеrу […]

Two Muslims Converted to Christianity and Left Islam (Testimony)

Two Muslims Converted to Christianity and Left Islam (Testimony)

Two Muslims Converted to Christianity and Left Islam (Testimony) ABN needs your support to continue bringing these programs, Please consider giving them some support at www.abnsat.com www.trinitychannel.com Muslim converted to Christianity, Muslim convert to Christianity, Muslim converted, Muslim, converts, converted, Islam, Christian, Christianity, testimony, new 2014 2015 muslim becomes christian, became, converstion, story, journey to […]

Muslim Convert to Christianity on the concept of Trinity

Muslim Convert to Christianity on the concept of Trinity

Muslim Convert to Christianity on the concept of Trinity This is another video for Muslims like Zakir Naik, Abdur raheem green, yusuf estes, shabir ally, ahmed deedat, brother Br Imran, adnan rachid, iera, as well as all the muslim converts to islam, and in support of pastor joseph, sam shamoun, david wood, dr james white, […]


Ex Muslim Testimony

An extreme story of a Muslim discovering Jesus Christ. Shafraz wound up going further into Islam and perusing the Quran in English increasingly more lead him to scrutinize a ton of the lessons of the Prophet of Islam. Envision your family and companions all being devotees of Islam however you are making an inquiry yet […]