
End-Time Prophecy 101: Outline of Revelation

This is the first part in the Bible study series: End-Time Prophecy 101. The mysterious book of Revelation has been the center of debate for almost 2000 years. Join us as we get an overview of Revelation to help unlock this vision of the events that culminate in the return of Jesus Christ. ======== Watch […]


End-Time Prophecy 101: Will Jesus Return this Year?

This is the second part in the Bible study series: End-Time Prophecy 101. Over the centuries many have tried to predict the date of Jesus Christ’s return. Dates have come and gone. Some have said that all signs point to His return this year. There is no doubt that Christ said He would come again. […]


End-Time Prophecy 101: Babylon the Great

This is the third part in the Bible study series: End-Time Prophecy 101. The Bible shows us Babylon was a city, an empire and the personification of all that opposes the plan and purpose of God. The Book of Revelation shows an end time global manifestation of this age long system. It will be Satan’s […]


End-Time Prophecy 101: The Two Witnesses

This is the fourth part in the Bible study series: End-Time Prophecy 101 . The world will soon be turned upside down. Fire, beasts, war, earthquakes and plagues are prophesied to come. The book of Revelation says at the heart of these events are two witnesses. What can we know about these two? What is […]


End-Time Prophecy 101: False Prophets

This is the fifth part in the Bible study series: End-Time Prophecy 101. In the Olivet Prophesy Jesus said that at the end time, “false christs and false prophets will arise and show great signs and wonders, as to deceive, if possible, even the elect.” Join us as we explore a number of end time […]


End-Time Prophecy 101: Where Are We In God’s Prophetic Plan of Salvation?

This is the sixth part in the Beyond Today Bible study series: End-Time Prophecy 101. As we look ahead to the coming of Christ we watch and strive to discern the times. We don’t want to be caught unaware. But a balanced approach will also understand there will be long hours of waiting leading up […]


End-Time Prophecy 101: Why Should You Study Biblical Prophecy?

This is the seventh part in the Beyond Today Bible study series: End-Time Prophecy 101. For some people studying prophecy is one of the most exciting aspects of their Bible study. They like to figure dates and charts of end time events based on Daniel and Revelation. They search for the typology of the Minor […]


End-Time Prophecy 101: God’s Relevance and Prophecy

This is the eighth part in the Beyond Today Bible study series: End-Time Prophecy 101. How can we show that God is relevant today? Changed lives and answered prayer point to God’s presence but can be dismissed by the skeptic. If God is relevant and is active in the things that people do and think […]


Lessons from the Prophet Daniel: The Great Themes

This is the first part in the Beyond Today Bible study series: “Lessons from the Prophet Daniel”. Daniel is often seen as a book of mysterious prophesies. Woven within the story of how these prophesies were revealed are the stories of men who trusted in God in difficult and dangerous times. We find in the […]