
The Minor Prophets: Zephaniah – Hidden of the Lord

Zephaniah predicts that God has bigger plans than the end of the world. The Day of the Lord is at hand, a terrible day for those who have rebelled. It won’t stop at Judah—the whole world will be punished. Zephaniah’s message was not just for ancient Judah but also for our day. Doom is eminent […]


The Minor Prophets – Nahum: God’s Message to Today’s Nations

Deal justly while it is your time to ride the high places of the earth, is God’s message to the nations through Nahum. Ancient Assyria stands as a sign of warning to any nation holding power on the world scene. God rules and He determines the times of all nations. ======== Watch Archived Videos: The […]


The Minor Prophets – Habakkuk – The Prophet Who Saw History

The prophet Habakkuk lived at one of the crucial turning points in all world history. God was moving the balance of power among the world’s empires and setting stage for events in the end time. Are we seeing this happen now as today’s nations realign on the world stage? Habakkuk’s message is a crucial key […]


The Minor Prophets – Obadiah – God’s Message to Edom

The smallest book in the Old Testament may also be one of the least known prophecies. Obadiah was sent to declare God’s judgment on Edom—the descendants of Esau. The Edomites are accused of cruelty and supporting Israel’s enemies. Because of this they will suffer God’s wrath at the “day of the LORD” that comes on […]


The Minor Prophets – Zechariah: Prophecy – Past, Present & Future

The critical message of Zechariah is sometimes called the Apocalypse of the Old Testament. In a prophetic vision that is broader than any of the other Minor Prophets God gives prophecies that cover the ages. In this study, we’ll take a quick overview of the book and then zero in on God’s message through Zechariah […]


Let Us Go Up to the Mountain of the Lord – Preparing Our Hearts For God’s Festivals

Four of the seven holy days of God are before us. It is an intensive period of worship with deep meaning. How should we prepare our hearts to experience what God wants to teach us during this period? We will look at several keys to preparing to “go up” into God’s presence. ======== Watch this […]


Significance of the Feast of Trumpets

The Feast of Trumpets seems a bit different among the Holy Days. There is no doubt that God has given this Feast special significance. But what is it that stands out and is unusual about this Holy Day? And how does it impact our perspective and practice?Join us for this study as we discuss the […]


Lessons from the Prophet Daniel: The Great Themes

This is the first part in the Beyond Today Bible study series: “Lessons from the Prophet Daniel”. Daniel is often seen as a book of mysterious prophesies. Woven within the story of how these prophesies were revealed are the stories of men who trusted in God in difficult and dangerous times. We find in the […]


Lessons from the Prophet Daniel: The Truth of the Fourth Beast

This is the second part in the Beyond Today Bible study series: “Lessons from the Prophet Daniel”. The fourth beast of Daniel’s vision is the Roman Empire at it height. Why did Daniel puzzle over this one beast above all the others? The answer lies in understanding the impact of Rome upon the ancient world […]


Lessons from the Prophet Daniel: The Most High Rules

At times it seems that we live in a world that is out of control. Our own personal lives can feel a bit unmanageable as well. How can we take courage even when the wicked seem to prevail? Can we have hope even when our personal life seems overwhelming? This study from the book of […]