
Allah knowledge about Christian Trinity

Allah knowledge about Christian Trinity, Muslims claim Allah is all knowledgeable but according to the Quran Allah of Islam never mentioned the true Christian trinity, so the question does Allah ignore what Christians believe about trinity? Even the prophet of Islam never mentioned the true trinity. Allah in the Quran speaks about the trinity is […]

Does Islam Teach

Does Islam Teach That a Person May Avoid Hell by obeying Allah in the Quran

Does Islam Teach That a Person May Avoid Hell by obeying Allah in the Quran: Jesus Christ is God manifested in the flesh – Jesus says “You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am”, (John 13:13). “Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father [God]” (John 14:9). […]


Allah the crescent moon god is Lucifer the morning star beast and mother of harlots

This video was made possible by Rev Michelle Hopkins Mann – http://revmichellehopkinsmann.myfreesites.net/ Muslims are following a false prophet who is Literally a child Molester, a prophet pretender, a womanizer, an adulterer, a thief and a killer. This is who All Muslims put their Eternal faith & trust in. Islam is a religion in which Allah […]


Does Allah Command Muslims to Curse Christians & Jews 5 times Daily When Worshiping Kaaba?

This verse and the significance behind this verse which Jay and Hatun are trying to help the viewers with. Muslims must pray five times a day, and at the beginning of their prayers they must recite the first Surah in the Qur’an, entitled the ‘Fatiha’. It is only 7 verses long. It is also known […]


Why Muslims think Bible & Torah are corrupted when Muhammad & Allah say Total opposite

Jesus Christ is God manifested in the flesh – Jesus says “You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I AM”, (John 13:13). ‘Anyone who has seen ME has seen the Father [God]” (John 14:9). “I and the Father [God] are ONE” (John 10:30). Jesus is far more than God’s […]


Does Allah & Muhammad Teach Hatred in the Quran?

Jesus Christ is God manifested in the flesh – Jesus says “You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am”, (John 13:13). ‘Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father [God]” (John 14:9). “I and the Father [God] are one” (John 10:30). Jesus is far more than God’s […]


Allah & Muhammad had nothing to do with the Quran or Islam – Islam is founded on Lies & Deception

Jay Smith – PfanderFilms – https://www.youtube.com/user/PfanderFilms/videos The accounts of Jesus were written 15-60 years after the death and Resurrection of Jesus by eyewitness and friends of the eyewitnesses. Matthew and John were eyewitnesses. Mark and Luke got their information from the eyewitnesses. When you look at what we have historically and what Islam has historically, […]


Allah is the god of Muhammad and Cannot be the God of the Bible – Here is the Proof – Usama Dakdok

Jesus Christ is God manifested in the flesh – Jesus says “You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am”, (John 13:13). ‘Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father [God]” (John 14:9). “I and the Father [God] are one” (John 10:30). Jesus is far more than God’s […]

I Left & Rejected Islam & Muhammad Because of One Verse in the Quran - Testimony

I Left & Rejected Islam & Muhammad Because of One Verse in the Quran – Testimony

Hello, and Asalamu Alaykum. I’ve been a Muslim for 16 years but in the past few years, I’ve been bothered my some serious reoccurring issues that have repeatedly forced me to question my Islamic faith, and recently I have decided to finally leave Islam. In this video I will explain one reason why I left […]

╫ Muslim sees and hears Jesus!!! WOW!

╫ Muslim sees and hears Jesus!!! WOW!

Muslim encounters Jesus while praying to allah. THE BOOK SAM REFERRED TO: on: on: on: ╫ JOIN US: www.riseonfire.com – Speaker: Sam Khan MUSIC CREDIT All music rights reserved (c) to the respective owners. We do not own the rights to the songs used. Permission has been obtained from Mattie Montgomery and Citipointe Live for […]