This is the fifth part in the Bible study series: Six Steps to Passover. An important aspect of observing the New Testament Passover is washing each other’s feet. Jesus said “I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you.” Introducing footwashing into Passover observance was something new. Why did Jesus institute this portion of the evening? What does Bible show? This study will look at footwashing from a different point of view as we consider three observations and examine three lessons.
Six Steps to Passover – Part 1: Jesus Our Passover
Six Steps to Passover – Part 2: Jesus, the Second Adam
Six Steps to Passover – Part 3: Jesus and Reconciliation
Six Steps to Passover – Part 4: The Bread and The Wine
Six Steps to Passover — Part 5: The Suffering Servant: Footwashing
Watch the series:
The Passover: Why Did Jesus Christ Have to Die?
Most of us have heard that Jesus Christ died for our sins, but what does that really mean? Why was His death necessary?