A beautiful video of 5 Arab Ex-Muslims sharing their testimonies of how they came to Christ. God bless everyone source
Testimonies – Sharing ex Muslims testimonies how they converted from islam to Christianity. Many testimonies to watchand learn and pray for this new born christians
“Stop Committing Shirk, Allah Has No Partners!”
In this video I aim to show how the god of the Quran “Allah” is not the God of the Bible (Yahweh). I will prove God’s triune being or essence by using the Old Testament scriptures alone (since Muslims love to claim that the majority of the New Testament is “fabricated”). If the trinity or […]
Muslim Hezbollah Soldier Meets Jesus In A Jail Cell
Hezbollah solider meet Jesus…which changed his life……. source
Two Muslims Converted to Christianity and Left Islam (Testimony)
Two Muslims Converted to Christianity and Left Islam (Testimony) ABN needs your support to continue bringing these programs, Please consider giving them some support at www.abnsat.com www.trinitychannel.com Muslim converted to Christianity, Muslim convert to Christianity, Muslim converted, Muslim, converts, converted, Islam, Christian, Christianity, testimony, new 2014 2015 muslim becomes christian, became, converstion, story, journey to […]
Mecca | The Worlds most dangerous destination
Mecca Hajj stampede, Hajj incidents and historic disasters in Mecca UPDATE : Mecca hajj 2015 stampede over 2411 people so far confirmed dead source
How I left Islam – The story of an ex Muslim turned to Jesus Christ
The story of an ex Muslim scholar who put his life and relations on stake for his love for Jesus Christ. Once a Muslim realizes the truth that Jesus Christ is the only true living God, and wants to embrace Christ as savior, the life becomes a hard challenge for him/her. But Lord Jesus Christ […]
A Hafiz from Pakistan converts to Christianity!
Rana’s incredible testimony of how he came to Jesus source
Christian Pastor converted to Islam on Live TV [Amazing Response]
Christian Pastor converted to Islam on Live TV [Amazing Response] tags Christian Pastor Converted to Islam, converts to islam, reverted to islam, becomes Muslim, conversion, reverts, Christianity, Priest, Testimony, Muslim converted, preacher, dawah, london, street, source
Pakistani girl leaves Islam, converts to Christianity & starts a Christian family
Touching testimony: Find out why Maria chose Jesus over Islam and Sharia despite persecution source
Documentary on Ex-Muslims in Germany
It’s estimated over 15% of Muslims living in Germany have Agnostic or Atheist views. However, even in the West some Ex-Muslims face harassment by radical Islamists source