Muslim encounters Jesus while praying to allah. THE BOOK SAM REFERRED TO: on: on: on: ╫ JOIN US: – Speaker: Sam Khan MUSIC CREDIT All music rights reserved (c) to the respective owners. We do not own the rights to the songs used. Permission has been obtained from Mattie Montgomery and Citipointe Live for […]
Testimonies – Sharing ex Muslims testimonies how they converted from islam to Christianity. Many testimonies to watchand learn and pray for this new born christians
REACTING TO: “Conversion to Islam – Why I converted”
It’s sad to see how such easily refuted arguments can convince/manipulate someone to convert their entire life around to something that will ultimately lead them further away from the True and Living God. —– My name is Hossein, and this is my reaction to: “Conversion to Islam Why I converted” *Original Video – source
Ex-Muslim: What I find in Christianity that I didn’t find in Islam
David’s testimony source
Muslim Imam , saw Jesus Cross @ Mecca , Saudi…Rare Testimony(subtitles@CC)
Arab sunni muslim dream cross @ Mecca & turn to Lord Jesus…Testimony Video courtesy & all credits : Amen TV , YouTube channel. Afgani Sunni muslim..Warris Khan dream Jesus Cross @ Mecca, became a follower of Lord Jesus. source
Radical Arab Muslim filled with Holy Spirit & met Jesus…Beautiful Testimony (SHARE)
US sunni Muslim Hussain turned to Jesus …Testimony (SHARE to all) Encourage you somebody , Arabic speaking Christians to write Arabic subtitles es for this video….Please respond this beautiful Gospel work… source
Sandra Solomon: From Islam to Christ (Palestinian Ex-Muslim Testimony)
This is the testimony of former Muslim Sandra Solomon. Born a Muslim in Ramallah and raised in Saudi Arabia, Sandra Solomon, 38, changed her name and moved to Canada where she converted to Christianity, an act her family roundly denounced. Solomon is the niece of the late Saher Habash, one of the founders of the […]
Christopher, a former Muslim, tells how he came to Christ
It is rare to have a former Muslim publicly talk about their testimony from Islam to Christianity, due to the adverse reaction they get from Muslims, and other security issues. Christopher, however, is different. He likes to talk about his journey from Islam to Christianity, and agreed to do so here at Speaker’s Corner. Watch […]
Nina Follows Christ – Muslims seem allergic to Christianity
Nina Follows Christ: It is with a heavy heart that I must announce the end of Nina Follows Christ Youtube Channel and every associated social network page. Anyone who have followed my story knows that I’ve been through a lot lately (physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually) and am still recovering. I have decided that it […]
Nina Follows Christ – Part of my story and how I did my prayer
Nina Follows Christ: It is with a heavy heart that I must announce the end of Nina Follows Christ Youtube Channel and every associated social network page. Anyone who have followed my story knows that I’ve been through a lot lately (physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually) and am still recovering. I have decided that it […]
Nina Follows Christ – Special encounter with a blind man
Nina Follows Christ: It is with a heavy heart that I must announce the end of Nina Follows Christ Youtube Channel and every associated social network page. Anyone who have followed my story knows that I’ve been through a lot lately (physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually) and am still recovering. I have decided that it […]