Exposing false teachings to reveal the truth of our Lord Jesus God, Many will claim they are Christ and many false prophets are in this world and we need to expose them.


Dr. Tawfik Hamid Interview, Mark Siljander Part 1 of 4

Dr. Hamid is no stranger to controversy: a one-time member of the Islamic radical group Jamaa-Islamiya, he has focused in recent years on combating radicalism and has argued for a fresh interpretation of the Quran to counterbalance radical teaching. Dr. Hamid is the author of “Inside Jihad” and has traveled the world lecturing against terrorism […]


Stakelbeck on Terror: Inside Jihad with Tawfik Hamid

21/Aug/2012 – Dr. Tawfik Hamid not only knows the enemy of radical islam—as a young man, he was a follower of its ideology. A native of Egypt, Dr. Hamid has since left the world of Islamism behind and is author of the book, Inside Jihad and a leading authority on the Muslim Brotherhood, al Qaeda […]


Inside Jihad: How Radical Islam Works, Why It Should Terrify Us, How To Defeat It

Dr. Tawfik Hamid, Islamic Reformer, spoke at the Daniel Morgan Academy on February 3, 2016 as part of DMA’s national security lecture series. Why has radical Islam become such a deadly threat, and why does it dominate the Muslim world? Dr. Tawfik Hamid answers these questions and provide deep insights about, and opposition to, the […]


Dr. Tawfik Hamid – “The Roots of Jihad” 1/6

Dr. Tawfik Hamid – “The Roots of Jihad” When he was in medical school, Dr. Hamid was himself an early participant in an Egyptian terrorist group, along with Dr. Zawaheri, now the #2 man in Al Qaeda. Born in Egypt to a secular Muslim family, Tawfik Hamid joined the extremist Islamic group Jamma’a Islameia, when […]


Tawfik Hamid – Jihad Myths & Realities

Dr. Tawfik Hamid spoke at the Beth Tzedec Congregation in February, 2010. This video is made possible by the Speakers Action Group and the Beth Tzedec Congregation Men’s Club. Permission to post this video has been provided in writing, by the Speaker’s Action Group. cedeztheb Larry Rachlin, Producer source


Tawfik Hamid: Inside Jihad: How Radical Islam Works and How to Defeat It

Dr. Tawfik Hamid, an expert in cognitive psychology, is an Islamic thinker and reformer, and one time Islamic extremist from Egypt. He was a member of a radical Islamic organization Jamaa Islameia JI (of Egypt) with Dr. Ayman Al-Zawaherri, who later became the leader of Al-Qaeda. After being radicalized in the JI (approximately thirty-five years […]