
Sunni Muslim Woman Became A Christian

Sunni Muslim woman Became A Christian, sharing her testimony why she left Islam, and why she accepted Jesus Christ As Lord and Savior. [Remember] when your Lord inspired to the angels, “I am with you, so strengthen those who have believed. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieved, so strike upon […]

Awakening Christian

Awakening Christian Song by Chris Tomlin

Awakening Christian Song by Chris Tomlin A beautiful worship song , and we pray that God awaken our nations to see His Mercy and His love and many accept Him as Savior and Lord. Lyric of the song: In our hearts Lord, in this nation Awakening Holy Spirit we desire Awakening For You and You […]


Clean Christian Song by Nathan Wagner

Clean Christian Song by Nathan Wagner. A new christian song and a beautiful one nice lyrics and nice voice, i hope you enjoy it. Whеn I wаѕ fоurtееn, I wеnt tо a соnfеrеnсе in Toronto whеrе @CoryAsbury was doing wоrѕhiр. For the firѕt time in mу life, I experienced whаt сhriѕtiаnѕ саll “Gоd’ѕ Presence.” I […]

Does Islam Teach

Does Islam Teach That a Person May Avoid Hell by obeying Allah in the Quran

Does Islam Teach That a Person May Avoid Hell by obeying Allah in the Quran: Jesus Christ is God manifested in the flesh – Jesus says “You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am”, (John 13:13). “Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father [God]” (John 14:9). […]