Sunni Muslim woman Became A Christian, sharing her testimony why she left Islam, and why she accepted Jesus Christ As Lord and Savior. [Remember] when your Lord inspired to the angels, “I am with you, so strengthen those who have believed. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieved, so strike upon […]
Author: Fouad Massihi
Awakening Christian Song by Chris Tomlin
Awakening Christian Song by Chris Tomlin A beautiful worship song , and we pray that God awaken our nations to see His Mercy and His love and many accept Him as Savior and Lord. Lyric of the song: In our hearts Lord, in this nation Awakening Holy Spirit we desire Awakening For You and You […]
Clean Christian Song by Nathan Wagner
Clean Christian Song by Nathan Wagner. A new christian song and a beautiful one nice lyrics and nice voice, i hope you enjoy it. Whеn I wаѕ fоurtееn, I wеnt tо a соnfеrеnсе in Toronto whеrе @CoryAsbury was doing wоrѕhiр. For the firѕt time in mу life, I experienced whаt сhriѕtiаnѕ саll “Gоd’ѕ Presence.” I […]
Arab Sunni Muslim girl met Lord Jesus
Arab Sunni Muslim girl met Lord Jesus a great testimony; you need to know when muslims study the quran and hadiths, with attention to find the truth, they discover many false claims in islam, and when they study the bible they find the real truth.
Why I became a Christian in Pakistan Ex Muslim
Why I became a Christian in Pakistan Ex Muslim Girl’s Testimony , A testimony of a christian girl from Pakistan sharing why she left Islam, and accepted Jesus Christ as a Savior and God.
KTF News – China and Russia to Strengthen Regional Trade in Central Asia
KTF News – China and Russia to Strengthen Regional Trade in Central Asia source
KTF News – British Values Guidelines Threaten Christian Children and Families
KTF News – British Values Guidelines Threaten Christian Children and Families source
KTF News – Another Prominent Evangelical Undermines Bible Authority
KTF News – Another Prominent Evangelical Undermines Bible Authority source
KTF News – Lessons from Charleston’s Tragedy
KTF News – Lessons from Charleston’s Tragedy source
Does Islam Teach That a Person May Avoid Hell by obeying Allah in the Quran
Does Islam Teach That a Person May Avoid Hell by obeying Allah in the Quran: Jesus Christ is God manifested in the flesh – Jesus says “You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am”, (John 13:13). “Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father [God]” (John 14:9). […]