The Truth About the persecution of Christians in Morocco, A video examines the situation of Christian Moroccans and their experiences living in a predominately Muslim nation. It provides an in-depth look at their lives, beliefs, culture, and struggles against discrimination and prejudice. From interviews with Christian leaders to everyday members of the community, this video […]
Author: Fouad Massihi
Allah knowledge about Christian Trinity
Allah knowledge about Christian Trinity, Muslims claim Allah is all knowledgeable but according to the Quran Allah of Islam never mentioned the true Christian trinity, so the question does Allah ignore what Christians believe about trinity? Even the prophet of Islam never mentioned the true trinity. Allah in the Quran speaks about the trinity is […]
Freedom of speech in Islam | Zakaria Botros.
freedom of speech in Islam , the prove that there is no freedom in Islam, 2 guys one is a Christian and the other is a Muslim both are attacked by Muslims. “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32 Hadith who insult Mohamed should be killed: […]
Amir Tsarfati: Prophecy Roundtable with Jan Markell and Pastor Barry Stagner
Join Amir Tsarfati, Jan Markell, and Pastor Barry Stagner for a Prophecy Roundtable live on Facebook as they discuss the Antichrist: Who and What? Follow Jan Markell on social media: Instagram:… Facebook: Twitter: YouTube:… Follow Pastor Barry Stagner on social media: Instagram: Facebook:… Twitter: YouTube:… Follow Behold […]
In this video, I warn you against 3 false teachings in churches that Christians should avoid. There are many false teachings that mislead many people in the church today and you need to be prepared.
Is Socialism Biblical?- Paul E Chapman
There is a lot of talk about socialism today. Many see it as a desirable mode of government, but do they really understand what socialism is? Are they aware of its history? Have they considered what the Bible says? Learn why socialism is unbiblical in this common sense Bible-based sermon.
The Plans I Have For You-Marty Goetz & Misha Goetz
The Plans I Have For You-Marty Goetz & Misha Goetz, Christian song Jeremiah 29:11. a father and a daughter song. The Lyrics: Here I am, waiting once again. On my knees, listening and then In a moment, a voice so clear speaks in a whisper, the words I need to hear. I know the plans […]
Ilhan Omari Got A Message from a former muslim
I was wondering how could be a woman in american congress Ilhan Omari and she is a Muslim when Islam teach that women should stay at home. The Prophet (ﷺ) said: “A people who make a woman their ruler will never be successful.” [Reported by al-Bukhari]. Reference : Bulugh al-Maram 1409 In-book reference : Book […]
How Many Kings Christian Song by downhere.
How Many Kings Christian Song by downhere from album When Love Was Born , released year 2008. Lyric: Follow thе star to a рlасе unеxресtеd Wоuld you bеliеvе, after аll we’ve projected, A child in a mаngеr? Lоwlу and ѕmаll, thе weakest of аll Unlikeliest hero, wrарреd in hiѕ mоthеr’ѕ shawl Just a child Is […]
Abaddon: Trailer What Really Muslims Believe.
This is what real muslim believe, you do not need to understand quran or hadiths, and it doesn’t matter if islam is wrong or wrong, they just have to believe it. here some verses inspiring muslims to kill non muslims: “[Remember] when your Lord inspired to the angels, “I am with you, so strengthen those […]