In Revelation 20:15 we read, “If anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.” In Daniel 12:2 and John 5:29 we read that at the resurrection some will wake up to disgrace and everlasting condemnation due to their evil works. GOD says people perish […]
Author: Fouad Massihi
REACTING TO: “Conversion to Islam – Why I converted”
It’s sad to see how such easily refuted arguments can convince/manipulate someone to convert their entire life around to something that will ultimately lead them further away from the True and Living God. —– My name is Hossein, and this is my reaction to: “Conversion to Islam Why I converted” *Original Video – source
Muslims DON’T Understand True Christianity
I am a former Muslim. My intention in making this video is not to insult or offend Muslims personally as my entire family is Muslim and I love them. I made this video to explain what it means to be a true Christian for those who misunderstand true Christianity. And if I speak on the […]
Didn’t the Prophet of Islam KNOW eating Camel is HARAM??
Please watch full video here: We decided to make a quick excerpt video with some extra points to further press the point of the hypocrisy of many Muslims who “strain out a gnat but swallow a whole pig” through their words and actions. Also wanted to touch on another one of their hypocrisies in regards […]
“Stop Committing Shirk, Allah Has No Partners!”
In this video I aim to show how the god of the Quran “Allah” is not the God of the Bible (Yahweh). I will prove God’s triune being or essence by using the Old Testament scriptures alone (since Muslims love to claim that the majority of the New Testament is “fabricated”). If the trinity or […]