
Six Steps to Passover – Part 4: The Bread and The Wine

This is the fourth part in the Bible study series: Six Steps to Passover. In the Old Testament the Israelites were commanded to eat a lamb as part of their Passover observance. Jesus made a dramatic change in how His followers were to keep this important ceremony. In the fourth study in this series, we’ll explore why Jesus commanded His disciples to drink wine and eat bread in commemoration of Him as the Passover Lamb.

Six Steps to Passover – Part 1: Jesus Our Passover

Six Steps to Passover – Part 2: Jesus, the Second Adam

Six Steps to Passover – Part 3: Jesus and Reconciliation

Watch the series:

The Passover: Why Did Jesus Christ Have to Die?
Most of us have heard that Jesus Christ died for our sins, but what does that really mean? Why was His death necessary?
